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Frequently Asked Questions
How do you conduct your sessions and consultations?I'm quite flexible in the way in which I conduct my sessions and consultations. Most of my consultations with parents are held face to face in my home and the majority of my coaching sessions occur via videoconference or telephone. It comes down to client preference (and logistics of course!) Many individuals with ADHD think better when they're on the move so telephone sessions work surprisingly well. Others need a visual to stay focused, so for those clients we do videoconferences via Zoom. If one modality doesn't work, we can always try another...
What are your fees?My fees are commensurate with my qualifications and experience and in line with the market. For details, please get in touch via my website.
What types of clients do you coach?I coach many different types of clients. I coach adults with ADHD, parents of children with ADHD and young people with ADHD. Many of the adults and parents I coach are musicians, actors, film-makers, artists, professors, lawyers, CEOs and entrepreneurs. The young people I coach are mostly university students, high school students and some primary school students. I don't ordinarily coach children with ADHD without first educating and/or coaching the children's parents. Parents need to understand their child's ADHD and learn about any adjustments they need to make around their own approaches to the child and the home environment in order for their child's coaching to be truly effective. Its very much a family affair! All my clients share something in common. They happen to be the brightest, most insightful and creative people I have ever come across!!! They also happen to be the most frustrated... Unfortunately it comes with the territory. Individuals with ADHD can move mountains - its the little day to day things that get in the way. That's where I come in...
How is coaching different from therapy?ADHD Coaching works quite differently from therapy. Unlike therapy, ADHD Coaching is: premised on you, the client, being the expert in your own life; focused on you - where you are now and with a view toward who you are becoming and what you want to create; focused on creating actionable strategies for achieving specific goals in your work or personal life; concerned with the “Who”, “What” and “How” questions (not the “Why”); and driven by you (who retain responsibility and accountability for your own outcomes).
Are you a certified ADHD coach?Yes I am! I hold an AAC certification from the ADD Coach Academy in the United States, the global leader and pioneer in the specialty arena of ADHD coach training and the only comprehensive ADHD Coach Training Program fully accredited by the International Coaching Federation (“ICF”) and Professional Association of ADHD Coaches (“PAAC”). I also hold an ICF Associate Certified Coach (“ACC”) certification, am a member of the ICF (bound by the ethics and standards of behaviour set by the ICF ( and a member of the Life Coach Directory.
How do we get started?Book a free 15 minute introductory session with me via this website to get started! During our call or videoconference I will explain the coaching process in detail and get to know more about you, including what you are hoping to achieve out of the coaching process. If you are ready for coaching and I feel I can help you, I will send you a Welcome Packet which includes my Welcome Letter, Coaching Agreement, Client Information Form and Questionnaire for you to complete and return before our first session. An invoice for a set number of sessions will also be provided to you for payment prior to our first session. For details of my fees, please get in touch.
What types of clients do you support?The majority of clients that I consult with are parents of children with ADHD. Parents are either waiting for their children to be diagnosed on the NHS and are looking for alternative options for diagnosis and a better understanding of their children's ADHD or they have received a diagnosis but are seeking guidance around how best to support their children at home and at school. I also consult with schools - educating SENCOs, teachers and training assistants about ADHD, how it presents and how they can best support these often very bright and creative pupils to succeed in their schooling.
I'm a parent of a child with ADHD. How can ADHD education help?Many parents are unfamiliar with ADHD and are often reluctant to consider a possible diagnosis due to the prevailing stigma around this very misunderstood neurobiological condition. As ADHD is highly genetic, it is often the case that one or both parents have undiagnosed ADHD which can make it difficult for them to manage their child’s challenges as they often struggle to manage their own. This is where I can help by educating the parents about ADHD, explaining what ADHD is, how it is impacting their child, providing appropriate support (including through signposting to other providers) and most importantly dispelling the many myths around the condition so that families not only come to understand ADHD, but embrace its many gifts.
What can I expect at our first consultation?The purpose of the first consultation with parents is to get an idea of their child's challenges, what support has been received to date and determine how best I can support their child and the family going forward (either through further ADHD Education, ADHD Coaching, ADHD Advocacy or a combination of both). I often signpost to healthcare and other providers and services as appropriate. The consultation lasts approximately 1 1/2 hours and takes place without the child present. During the consultation, I provide parents with general information about ADHD so that they can get a better understanding of their child's challenges, and more importantly, an appreciation of their child's unique strengths. I take a strengths-based approach and encourage parents to focus more on what their child does well, using these insights to help overcome some of the challenges their child's ADHD presents.
What do I need to provide before our first consultation?I ask parents to complete a Client Information Form and Family Questionnaire and provide copies to me by email at least two days before the consultation. Parents also need to provide reports that might be relevant to their child's medical needs, learning or educational status e.g. Education and Health Care Plan, IEP or any reports from their child’s GP, Psychiatrist, Educational Psychologist, Clinical Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapist, Occupational Therapist or other healthcare provider. Payment for the consultation must be made prior to the consultation by bank transfer to my account. For pricing and payment details, please contact me via this website.
What happens after our first consultation?A summary report of what transpired in the consultation is provided to parents for their information and action. If I have recommended further ADHD Education, ADHD Coaching and/or ADHD Advocacy, parents go on to book subsequent consultations and sessions to address specific challenges identified during the consultation. Often, through learning about their child's ADHD, many parents come to realise that they themselves have ADHD. Many go on to get diagnosed with ADHD and take up ADHD Coaching for themselves! Through being coached, parents begin to understand their "ADHD self". This gives parents a unique insight into their child's challenges, and more importantly an understanding of what motivates them. This leads to parents not only accomodating their child's ADHD, but cultivating it, helping their child harness their unique strengths to fulfil their often great potential (often in the same way that the parents did!).
Do you deliver training to schools?Many teachers (and some SENCos) have not received sufficient, or any, training in ADHD. As a result, many pupils with ADHD are mistaken for being lazy, naughty, and lacking academic promise. Many pupils with ADHD can also be disruptive which can be very frustrating for teachers and the pupils’ classmates, particularly if it disrupts learning. Traditional methods of discipline however will not work for these pupils. Without an understanding of ADHD, how it presents and how to best communicate with pupils with ADHD, teachers will be unable to get the best out of these pupils who will continue to struggle with their learning and behaviours. I can help pupils with ADHD get the support that they need at school by educating their teachers about ADHD - explaining what ADHD is, how it is impacting their affected pupils, and suggesting appropriate strategies that can be used by teachers to maximise pupils’ learning and provide an inclusive learning environment.
What types of clients do you support?As a former magic circle banking lawyer (admitted in NSW, Australia) of 15+ years experience, I now specialise in Education Law and Discrimination in the UK, helping individuals with ADHD and their families understand their legal rights, empowering them to advocate for the support they need to succeed at school and in the workplace. I also advise schools, educating and assisting them to meet their legal obligations to their pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities ("SEND") (including ADHD) under the SEND Legal Framework. As a parent of children with SEND (who have not always received the support they needed at school!) and a SEND Governor at a primary school, I have the benefit of both perspectives to take a more balanced and collaborative approach when advocating for my clients.
My child needs more support at school. Can you help?I provide support to parents and their children with ADHD in relation to: Education and Health Care Plans (“EHCPs”) (including guidance in relation to the legal position under the SEND Legal Framework, reviewing EHCP requests for assessment and drafting correspondence to councils) Exclusions (in both the mainstream and independent school settings, including guidance in relation to the legal position under the SEND Legal Framework (reviewing school contracts, policies and procedures as well as the position under the Equality Act 2010 (“EA 2010”), and drafting correspondence to schools)) Reasonable adjustments (and other support children are entitled to at school under the SEND Legal Framework to ensure children receive accommodations at school appropriate to their needs) Discrimination in schools under the EA 2010 Disability Living Allowance
I'm struggling in the workplace. How can you support me?I provide guidance to adults with ADHD in relation to their legal rights to reasonable adjustments in the workplace, discrimination claims, helping them prepare for Tribunal (if they are representing themselves) and Access to Work claims.
Can you represent me as my lawyer?I do not act as a lawyer for my clients. Although I have over 15 years experience practising as a lawyer (admitted in NSW, Australia) in top tier and magic circle firms in Australia and the UK, I do not currently hold a practising certificate (I elected to not renew it in 2018). As a former lawyer, I only provide guidance to clients around the applicable laws and their legal position to empower them to advocate for themselves. If clients need more support in the form of actual legal representation, I can help engage a suitably qualified solicitor to represent them through my extensive network.
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