Getting Diagnosed
Live life in integrity with who you really are.
For many ADHDers, getting a diagnosis can be a really important step in their journey. Getting diagnosed can help ADHDers feel more self-acceptance and self-compassion, which is key to managing their ADHD challenges. Diagnosis also opens up the door to different kinds of treatment for ADHD, including medication and psychotherapy, as well as certain kinds of disability support such as Access to Work funding.
Going Private
If you wish to see a private provider for your ADHD assessment. Please see our list of referral partners for recommended psychiatrists who specialise in ADHD diagnosis and treatment.
Going Through the NHS
Getting an assessment and treatment for ADHD through the NHS can often be a lengthy process, with many localities in England experiencing very long waiting lists. Left undiagnosed and untreated, ADHD can have a significant negative impact on your life and daily functioning.
According to NHS Right to Choose legislation, if you are registered with a GP surgery in England you have the right to choose your ADHD assessment and treatment provider and have it funded by the NHS, provided they are contracted by the NHS in England to provide that service. This includes the titration of ADHD medication.
The waiting lists for assessment and treatment with these private providers may be significantly shorter than your local NHS ADHD service and this could help speed up the process.
For information about exercising your Right to Choose, including a template letter to send to your GP, please see here on the Psychiatry UK website:
Or here on the ADHD360 website:
Children (Under 18s)
Going Private
You may wish for your child to see a private provider for their ADHD assessment. Please see our list of referral partners for recommended psychiatrists who specialise in child and adolescent ADHD diagnosis and treatment.
Going Through the NHS
Getting an assessment and treatment for your child with ADHD through the NHS starts with speaking to the GP about the child's challenges asking them for a referral for an assessment.
As with adults, it is important children with ADHD get assessed as soon as possible so that they can access support like an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP), and treatment such as medication or therapy.
For more information about getting your child an assessment for ADHD through the NHS, please see here on the NHS website: