Funding Information
Live life in integrity with who you really are.
Do you know what funding is available to you?
Access to Work
Neurodiversity is a wonderful thing; however, it is often misunderstood and can sometimes be problematic in the workplace. This is particularly the case with invisible disabilities like ADHD.
Employees and business owners with ADHD often report feeling overwhelmed, over-burdened and unsupported. They struggle with setting boundaries, delegating, managing others, prioritising, scheduling, writing emails and reports, timekeeping, sensory sensitivities, and staying on top of paperwork and clutter.
Coupled with Rejection Sensitivity Disorder (RSD) this can lead to a degradation in their performance, an inability to manage their emotions, insomnia, and a loss of confidence. Not surprisingly, without support, this can result in poor mental health, sickness and frequent absence from work leading to a prolonged and painful exit from the workplace.
The government's Access to Work scheme can provide support and funding to help you mitigate or manage your ADHD challenges at work.
What Workplace Adjustments and Aids Can Be Funded?
It's totally personal to your situation, but here are some examples to get you thinking:
- ADHD Coaching to help you manage your ADHD challenges at work
- ADHD Awareness Training to help your workplace better understand and support their neurodiverse workforce
- Personal Assistant for administration support
- Noise Cancelling Headphones to help with distraction
- Standing Desks to help with hyperactivity
- Voice to Text, Task Management or Mind Mapping software to support your working style
For more examples of ADHD aids, see our recommended products and apps.
Check out the Government website for more information about Access to Work. The charity ADHD UK also has some great information for ADHDers who are applying for Access to Work here​.
How To Apply for Access to Work Funding
You can apply on the Government website here.
Download our Access to Work booklet or watch our easy guide on how to apply for Access to Work funding below.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed you can get one-to-one guidance and practical support with completing forms from our referral partners at The Creative Desk.
Disability Student Allowance
Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) is funding support to cover the study-related costs you have because of a disability, such as ADHD. This can be on its own or in addition to any student finance you get.
What Study-Related Adjustments and Aids Can Be Funded?
It's totally personal to your situation, but here are some examples to get you thinking:
- Study Skills and Strategy Support Worker to help your productivity (you can find a helpful list of examples from a university website here)
- Specialist Mentor to help support your mental wellbeing at university
- Noise Cancelling Headphones to help with distraction
- Standing Desks to help with hyperactivity
- Specialist Software such as Voice to Text, Task Management or Mind Mapping to support your studies
See our recommended products and apps to aid you in managing your ADHD in university.
Unfortunately, at present, ADHD Coaching isn't covered by DSA. However, coaching can be incredibly effective for supporting ADHD students through university and beyond. See here for more information.
Learn more about DSA here: https://www.gov.uk/disabled-students-allowance-dsa
Disability Living Allowance
Some ADHDs are eligible to financial support due to the way the condition affects their daily functioning and ability to work. Here are some examples from the Benefits and Work website:
- Being easily distracted, a tendency to procrastinate and difficulties with organizing tasks may cause problems in relation to preparing food, washing and bathing and dressing and undressing. Tasks may not get started, you may start but not complete them or they may take you more than twice as long as people without a health condition.
- A tendency to hyperfocus may affect activities like taking nutrition, if you become so engrossed in things that you forget to eat.
- Forgetfulness and disorganization may cause problems with managing medication or therapy.
- Being impulsive may make budgeting a real problem.
- Engaging with other people may be a challenge because of difficulties with turn taking, maintaining concentration and keeping to a topic during conversations.
- Planning and following journeys may be challenging because of impulsivity, poor concentration and anxiety.
Previously Disability Living Allowance (DLA), this funding is being replaced by Personal Independence Payment (PIP).
You can only apply for DLA if you’re under 16. You can apply for:
PIP if you’re aged 16 or over and have not reached State Pension age
Attendance Allowance if you’re State Pension age or older and do not get DLA
Learn more: https://www.gov.uk/dla-disability-living-allowance-benefit
Education Health and Care Plans
An education, health and care plan (EHCP) is for children and young people aged up to 25 who need more support than is available through special educational needs support.
EHC plans identify educational, health and social needs and set out the additional support to meet those needs.
Learn more: https://www.gov.uk/children-with-special-educational-needs/extra-SEN-help
If the psychiatrist recommends it, an EHCP can fund ADHD Coaching for your child. Find out more about our coaching for children and teenagers.